An innovative design for a global complaints service increased customer satisfaction from 31% to 63%
In 2018, over 2.9 million people were granted visas to visit, work, study or live in the UK. To help meet their needs, we were asked to redevelop UKVI’s existing UK complaints service for global rollout within 6 months.
Following a discovery of the end-to-end service, we identified the following problems to solve:
“I have a problem in processing my application payment for more than a week. I want to cancel the application but I can not find any link to do anything. I am stuck and it is because it is a technical issue.” Request for help misdirected to the complaints team
Stakeholders were also frustrated that the large number of general enquiries entering the service inflated complaint statistics in management reports.
We began with a short discovery to gain an understanding of the service’s users. We engaged with 40 internal stakeholders, analysed data from Google Analytics and reviewed 6 months worth of complaints.
Based on the findings our design team proposed a very different approach from the generic complaints form. They designed a triaging service, posing simple questions which routed users to relevant information on GOV.UK or UKVI’s helpline, with an option to continue making a complaint.
The complaint form itself was then redesigned to be clearer for users who speak English as a second language and to encourage more informative responses.
We tested the service by running a selection of real complaints through it and inviting stakeholders to carry out a robust review.
The new service is clear, easy to use and meets the needs of the department’s customers and case working teams.
Early feedback has shown a substantial increase in customer satisfaction from 31% in 2019 to 63% in 2020. Users no longer have a frustrating online experience compounding their dissatisfaction.
users satisfied
in 2018
users satisfied
in 2020
The service went live worldwide on time and on budget within 6 months of us starting work. The clients have expressed to us how happy they are with our successful delivery.
Whether you’re ready to start your project now or you just want to talk things through, we’d love to hear from you.