About Marvell Consulting

Marvell Consulting was set up in 2007 with an ambition to build strong digital services and grow a reputation for excellence and integrity.

Our leadership

Ben Marvell

Chief Executive Officer

Ben is responsible for leadership, strategy and delivery across the organisation. Previously an agile full stack developer with over 15 years' experience, he’s consulted for clients including EA, Centrica & BSkyB.

Aspasia Dellaporta

Chief Research Officer

Aspasia is a research specialist responsible for user research and stakeholder engagement. She has over 16 years’ experience researching services for the Home Office, Google and the BBC.

Michael Thomas

Design Lead

Michael is a usability expert specialising in visual and end-to-end service design. He has over 10 years’ experience designing services for Government Digital Service, the Home Office and Applied.

Mark Stringer

Delivery Lead

Mark is a qualified Agile Coach and Scrum Master with nearly two decades’ experience supporting successful project delivery for clients including Lloyds Bank, JP Morgan Chase & the Ministry of Justice.

Our values

  • Integrity – We always work with sincerity and the best of intentions to achieve the client’s desired outcome.
  • Accountability – We nurture a self-starter mentality, where we coach (rather than manage) people to develop ideas and find solutions.
  • Curiosity – We are not afraid to challenge ourselves and do things that may make us feel uncomfortable in order to develop professionally.
  • Reason – We put forward recommendations based on evidence, not assumptions, preconceptions or opinions.

“Building trust with our clients is everything. They need to see early on that we know what we’re doing and we have their best interests at heart." Ben Marvell, CEO, Marvell Consulting


“Marvell Consulting are very responsive. They’ve really worked with internal teams to increase our knowledge and capabilities.” Technical Lead, Home Office

“I genuinely believe there’s nothing your team couldn’t handle. What you’ve done is incredible.” Service Owner, Home Office

“Marvell Consulting has been integral in the transformation of the Home Office’s digital operations. The research, design and build has been exceptional.” Product Manager, Home Office

“I just want to say: amazing work all! Thank you. Really impressed with [your final] report” Director, NHSX

“This team have worked extremely hard [and built] trust in our ability to create digital services that are genuinely transformative.” Deputy Director, Home Office

Get in touch

Whether you’re ready to start your project now or you just want to talk things through, we’d love to hear from you.

+44 (0)20 3886 0115
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30 Great Guildford Street, London, SE1 0HS
Nearest tube and rail - Borough, Southwark, London Bridge, Blackfriars